New York, 2005
Die Tage vergehen.
Eine Aneinanderreihung von Momenten, an die ich mich später zu erinnern versuchen werde.
Momente von Traurigkeit.
Momente von Schönheit.
Momente von Wut.
Momente der Leere.
Und es gibt nichts, was ich tun muss, in der sinnlos verstreichenden Zeit.
Der Regen, der fällt.
Die Sonne, die sinkt.
Die Sekunden, die verstreichen.
Die Autos, die vorüberfahren.
Der Schnee, der alles verhüllt.
In all dem liebe ich das Vergehen der Zeit.
Das Universum dehnt sich aus.
Sonnen explodieren.
Sonnen entstehen.
Planeten verdampfen.
Leben vergeht.
Und es gibt nichts, was ich tun muss.
Das Leben ist traurig.
Ich versuche darin die Momente von Schönheit zu finden, die zu entdecken mir möglich sind:
Momente der Arbeit,
Momente des Mitleids,
Momente der Liebe.
Und es gibt nichts, was ich tun muss, in der zufällig verstreichenden Zeit.

Berlin, February 2nd, 2025
I am a filmmaker. For 20 years, we have been making films about the future of humanity—interviews with scientists, diplomats, activists, psychologists, and philosophers. Interviews that seek to understand what truly defines the reality of our situation as a species.
Currently, things are developing in exactly the wrong direction.
But this comes not as a surprise. - On the contrary, it was to be expected that as crises—long foreseeable—continue to escalate and the fear of instability grows, people would first react with denial and long for everything to return to the way it once was. To a perceived past that seemed better. Because it felt less complex.
But now, because we have failed to take the necessary action over the past three decades, things will just simply get worse —until, and I hope that day will not come too late, they finally get better again.
Perhaps by then, we will have learned our lesson.
But it will take time.
And there will be much suffering, despair, and sacrifice.
Nevertheless, we must not lose heart.
We simply must have the courage to uphold our humanistic values and stand firm until we hopefully can breathe freely once again.